Social Ministry

We are called to live out our faith in the liturgy, and then take our prayer out into the world. Check out ways in which you can jump into ministry and be fed in the Christian life!

Adult Formation

Our hope is that we would all have relationships within which we can regularly discuss our faith and share our lives - that we would all experience true Christian community throughout our lifetime. We want our church parishes to become a 'community of communities' - a Christian community made up of many smaller Christian communities.  If you've met someone at Saint Hilary that you'd like to get to know better, ask if they are currently in a Small Group and when they meet to see if it can work within your schedule. Or, feel free to contact Lisa Baudoin via email.

Men’s Fellowship

Food + Faith + Fellowship = Our Men’s Fellowship Group! The group meets on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:00pm in our multipurpose building. If you’re interested, please reach out to Deacon Tim Vedros via email.

Red Bird Ministries

Red Bird Ministries seeks to help parents of child loss at any stage and any age to process their grief together as a community. Our Red Bird Flock hosts a monthly rosary on the last Wednesday of each month at 6:00pm in our adoration chapel. If you have lost a child or simply want to support families of child loss, please join us. For more information on Red Bird, please contact Sarah Matherne at the Parish Office (985-537-6002 or

Council of Catholic Women

The CCW provides a range of services from cleaning and decorating, to fundraising for liturgical vestments and vessels. The council helps to set up for several special Masses and Celebrations throughout the year, and meets quarterly for a community Mass and planning. If you’re interested in joining, please contact Mrs. Ruby Plaisance via email.

Knights of Columbus

If you are interested in joining the Saint Hilary Council #8840 or the Ladies Auxiliary, please contact the Grand Knight, Jai Le at You can also visit the National Knights of Columbus website to join the Knights.

Homebound Ministry

Our Home Bound Ministry volunteers are committed to helping members of our community to feel connected, to feel loved, and most importantly, to stay in communion with the Lord by the reception of Holy Communion. These visits can include time spent in prayer, discussion, or simply visiting with one another. Many of the homebound may feel isolated, ignored, and lonely; our Ministry seeks to breathe love and life back into their days with ministers’ presence and the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament. If you’re interested in joining or having the Eucharist brought to someone, contact Mrs. Rose Sampey via email.

Grief to Grace Ministry

Grief can take many forms throughout the process of loss, whatever type of loss it may be. Grief to Grace Ministry seeks to give you tools to help you navigate your way through your loss. Members meet the first Monday of every month after the 5:15 Mass, and together pray the Rosary, a Divine Mercy Chaplet, and other prayers. Grief to Grace ministers also volunteer their time to lead the rosary during the wake of our deceased parishioners. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Mrs. Rose Sampey via email.